Aerides cootesii x Vanda flabellata


Aerides cootesii x Vanda flabellata


Age:Adult Palnt
Type of Pot:Growing basket
Cultivation location:Exterior / Interior
Light Level:Shade

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Aerides cootesii x Vanda flabellata: The Enchanting Hybrid Orchid with Exotic Flowers

The Aerides cootesii x Vanda flabellata is a stunning intergeneric hybrid orchid obtained from the crossing of Aerides cootesii and Vanda flabellata. This combination results in an exotic and colorful plant, perfect for collectors and orchid enthusiasts seeking unique flowers.

Characteristics of Aerides cootesii x Vanda flabellata:

  • Size: The final size of the plant can vary depending on the influence of each parent. Aerides cootesii is usually smaller, reaching around 30 cm, while Vanda flabellata can grow up to 1 meter. The hybrid orchid generally falls within an intermediate range, between 40 and 70 cm in height. Its monopodial growth (with a single main stem) makes it suitable for cultivation in hanging pots or on ornamental tree barks.
  • Flowers: The main attraction of Aerides cootesii x Vanda flabellata is its exotic flowers that combine characteristics of both parent species. The flowers, arranged in pendant clusters, typically exhibit:
    • Vibrant colors: A mix of pink, yellow, red, and even intricate brown stripes, making each specimen unique and special.
    • Attractive shape: Delicate and pointed petals resembling a funnel in the central part.
    • Contrasting labellum: Generally white with brown stripes and a touch of yellow in the throat, complementing the rich color palette of the flower.
  • Flowering: Flowering can occur throughout the year, under proper care, providing continuous floral displays with vibrant and delicate colors.
  • Fragrance: The fragrance of Aerides cootesii x Vanda flabellata may vary depending on the influence of each parent. Aerides cootesii has no scent, while Vanda flabellata may have a soft and sweet aroma. The fragrance of the resulting hybrid orchid can be absent or have a discreet perfume.

Care for Aerides cootesii x Vanda flabellata:

  • Light: Prefers bright indirect light. Avoid direct sunlight for extended periods as it can burn the leaves. Filtered light near east-facing windows or diffused light in well-lit environments is ideal.
  • Irrigation: Keep the substrate moist, but not waterlogged. Water the plant when the substrate is almost dry to the touch, using warm water. The aerial roots appreciate good ventilation.
  • Fertilization: During the growing season (spring and summer), provide a balanced fertilizer diluted in water every two weeks. Reduce the frequency of fertilization in autumn and winter.
  • Temperature: The ideal temperature ranges between 15°C and 24°C. Avoid extreme temperatures as they can affect flowering.
  • Humidity: Prefers moderate to high humidity (around 60-70%). Use a humidifier or place the pot on a tray with water and pebbles to increase air humidity.
  • Substrate: Use a lightweight and well-draining substrate, such as a mixture of pine bark and sphagnum.
  • Repotting: Repot the orchid every two or three years or when the pot becomes overcrowded, using a pot with good drainage and suitable substrate.

Tips for Success with Aerides cootesii x Vanda flabellata:

  • Provide adequate support for the plant, as its pseudobulbs tend to grow vertically.
  • Carefully observe the plant for signs of pests or diseases and treat them promptly.
  • Avoid exposing the plant to cold drafts.

Additional information

Weight0,5 kg
Dimensions12 × 12 × 40 cm

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